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XRF analysers coating thickness Compact

Рентгенофлуоресцентные толщиномеры покрытий Compact разработаны для рутинных анализов каждый день и предлагают лучшее соотношение цена/качество в данном классе оборудования.
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Compact Eco

XRF coating thickness gauges, Compact Eco and Compact Eco PIN - new line of x-ray fluorescent plating thickness gauges to measure the thickness and chemical composition allows to solve a wide range of user tasks.

Quick, non-destructive analysis of the thickness of multilayer coatings and to determine chemical composition without prior surface preparation.

the Range of measured elements from Ti22 to U92.


1. The ratio quality/price.

2. Ease of use

3. The ability to work in 24/7


1.Analysis galvanically and chemical coatings

2.Analysis jewelry

3.Input control of the chemical composition of various alloys.

4.Analysis of electrolytes


the Range of measurable elements: Ti-U

Number of layers: 5 layers (4 layers + base)

Analysis of the chemical composition at the same time: 20 elements

Collimator: 0.3 mm or 0.5 mm 0.3 mm; 0.5 mm; 0.4 mm; 0,1x0,3 mm

Maximum sample size: 380х370х100 mm

Move the measuring head along the Z-axis: 60 mm

Measuring table: Fixed, manual, motorized (240x240 mm)

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XRF analysers coating thickness Compact

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