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Большой выбор расходных материалов для металлографии, минералогии и петрографии: отрезные диски по металлу, шлифовальные круги, суспензии, смолы для запрессовки и многое другое необходимое для вашей работы.
Cutting discs-high quality cutting cooling 
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MetaDi diamond products used in sample preparation for many decades due to its ability to grind a wide range of
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Available to order polishing cloth on a steel magnetic disks for polishing any materials, sizes 200, 250, 300 mm
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ApexDGD DiamondGrindingDiscs (diamond grinding wheels) is ideal as a replacement for silicon carbide abrasive paper or
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The main advantage of cold fill is the ability to extrude irregular shapes and sizes. The shading is very often used,
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In the process of pressing the sample under pressure at an elevated temperature. One benefit of insertion under
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Data CDs are specifically designed for the outer layer of the disc wore out more efficiently, which allows more
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