Home / Catalog / Hardness Testers / Universal / KB 3000 Mammut

KB 3000 Mammut

Универсальные твердомеры, производства немецкой компании KB Prueftechnik., позволяют объединить в одном твердомере широкий диапазон нагрузок от 0,5 кг до 3 000 кгс для измерения твердости Виккерса, твердости Бринелля, Роквелла и Супер-Роквелла.
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Russian software developer
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point of Russia and the CIS
12 months
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Hardness  KB Mammut (Germany)

shop Universal hardness tester KB 3000 Mammut, features:

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

measurement Method

Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell, Super-Rockwell


GOST 9012, GOST 9013, GOST 2999


20 kgf to 3000 kgf


motorized with feedback via the force sensor

Flow, exposure and removal of load




the Translation in the scales HRC and HB.


Standard lens


the Sentry

2-position automatic

Setting boundaries of print

manually via software on computer

Personal computer

included in scope of delivery


5 MP with a resolution of 2300х2000

report Formats

txt, pdf, doc, excel

the Height of the specimen

up to 2,000 mm

pattern Width

up to 2,000 mm

the weight of the sample

up to 8000 kg

Table sample

there are

Automatic setting of the boundaries of the print




Automatic lighting control


Certificate of initial calibration

there are

verification procedure

there are

production Country



12 months


universal Hardness tester for large samples KB 3000 BVZ Mammut series.

KB 3000 BVZ series Mammut –

universal hardness tester for automatic measurement according to international standards. The load range 30-3000 kgf Brinell and Vickers. 
Program for automatic image analysis and calculation of hardness Brinell. Load cell. Protected optical system.


it is Possible to mount to the ceiling on a shop crane or a specialized bracket movement on three axes.

- Height of the measured object up to 1500 mm.  
- Digital measurement system prints. Hydraulic drive of the measuring head. Integrated video system.  
- Memory for 2000 measurement series. Ability to set and memorize up to 200 modes of measurement.

- Automatic change of indenter/lens 

- Motorized, protected load cell 

- a 10-step optical ZOOM. A magnification of 1:7;

- USB camera 1.3 megapixels;

- the Connection to the printer.



test Programs:

Vickers: DIN ISO 6507

Brinell: DIN ISO 6506

2,5/31,25 - 2,5/62,5 - 2,5/187,5 - 5/25 -5/62,5 - 5/125 - 5/250 - 5/750 - 10/100 -10/125 - 10/250 - 10/500 - 10/1000 - 10/1500 -10/3000


·         bright, high-contrast LCD display 10.4"function output parameters and led backlight


the Process of measuring the hardness:

1.      Select the program of tests


2.      Click on start

3.      Automatic feeding, load, time under load

4.      Automatic change of indenter on the lens

5.      Automated analysis of imprint (the lengths of the diagonals), including automatic focus and light control, automatic calculation of hardness.

6.      Internal reference for conversion to other hardness scales.

7.      Patented illumination system inside the imprint of the Ring Light allows high precision to measure the hardness of materials of <250 NV



Software KB Hardwin XL Video in the Russian language includes the following modules:


-automatic measurement of fingerprints and analysis of results. Put in the program function statistical processing of the report in different versions, from simple tables, graphs, histograms to the user integration in the system of quality control, store images of fingerprints during each measurement, the translation of results to other scales in line with international standards;

- Export data in formats txt, html, Word, Excel, PDF;

- database Administration;

- Printed report on form User.

- Remote service during the whole line of operation;

- Automatic application and aging under load;

- Automatic serial test templates, User-defined: CHD, Nht and others.

  HardWin XL Datenansicht


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KB 3000 Mammut

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