
Универсальные твердомеры производства немецкой компании KB Prueftechnik позволяют объединить в одном твердомере широкий диапазон нагрузок от 0,5 кг до 3 000 кгс для измерения твердости Виккерса, твердости Бринелля, Роквелла и Супер-Роквелла.
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New series of universal hardness testers WilsonHardnessUH750/3000 – an Advanced solution for the measurement of hardness as the standard samples, and bulky items Rockwell, Vickers and Brinell, with loads up to 750 or 3000 kgf. Strain gauge load sensors, superior optical system, advanced software WinControl for automatic measurements, ensure not surpassed the accuracy of your results. The specialized design of the hardness tester allows for the measurement of hardness as the standard samples, and bulky items. This design allows to incorporate hardness into the production line for automatic quality control.


- Measurement of hardness scales Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell

- built-in load cell for monitoring load

- measurement of the radial load during the measurement process to avoid errors in the results

- built-in digital camera resolution 5 IPCC

- the option to automatically focus on the sample surface.

- automatic measurement of the imprint at the optimized algorithms

specialized optics with the optional 5-step digital zoom

- innovative 5-way vertically-oriented turret with automatic switching between the objective lenses and indenter

- ultra-high speed measurement cycle (switch the lens to the indenters back and forth, the measurement of the imprint)

black led backlight

- touch control display

- built-in software WinControlна Windows

a large table for larger samples

- motor driven turret that provides a supply of indenter or lens to the sample, allowing us to raise the sample, which significantly increases the opportunity for mass and size of the placed sample


- measure the hardness of standard samples that require frequent measurement of hardness on different scales. Mounted on the turret of three of the indenter used for all three scales and two lens with adjustable magnification allow you to quickly switch from one scale to another.

- Measure the hardness of large and heavy items such as the motor housing, turbine shafts, large gears, railway wheels, etc. – large table with T-shaped slots used to position and fix a number of different types of samples.

the Hardness tester can be integrated in a production line, for quality control of the manufactured products in a fully automatic mode.

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